Sunday, January 9, 2011

The night before school......

This blog is going to be full of random thoughts....that's just where I'm at today!

Tomorrow morning I re-enter the world of nursing education.  I've been off for a month now and it really seems like longer since I was done with this particular class half way through last time.  It feels strange knowing I'm entering a whole new class.....I've gotten pretty close to the class I was in.  The great thing however is that I have a GREAT group of ladies re-entering with me including my BFF :-) I washed my scrubs, did all my pre-reading and packed my back pack...I'm ready to go!

I'm super nervous about Tuesday however because I have to go into work.  I know that it's going to be a rough day after the whole "fighting my unemployment" thing.  Sad thing is I was so hurt by the whole situation that I'm actually dreading walking in there.  I feel like I see the whole place differently now.  I've worked there 9 years and I've grown to feel like they're all members of  my extended family until this incident.  It just shocked me and I took it very personally.  I feel like they thought I was somehow trying to "screw" them by applying for benefits.....when really ALL I'm doing is trying to survive.  I have a feeling the only reason they offered me Tuesday is because they were hoping I would turn it down "because of school" and then it would be my CHOICE to leave.  I don't know it all feels fishy to me and its very upsetting :(

I have felt terribly sick all day today.  I woke up 2 times last night with my knee absolutely ON FIRE.  It was this excruciating burning pain that actually had me screaming (not full boar....but I was making noise lol).  Then my hip started to burn as well.  I still have to do some more research about osteoarthritis because I'm not sure if that's a symptom or not.  I know my knee is hurting because it's injured and just getting worse every day I walk around on it "pretending there is nothing wrong" --> as my doctor puts it lol.  It was starting to feel a tiny bit better until today.  So all this burning pain and aching in my joints has made me a wreck today.  I feel like I have no energy what so ever! I was supposed to go over and see Kirk but I didn't make it and that says a lot for me because I usually run over there no matter whats going on to see him.  I have to admit I was a little hurt that he didn't come see ME.  I do need to address this issue eventually because on days like today when I feel shitty, it would be nice not to spend the day alone.  My phone was acting up all day as well so I couldn't even talk to anyone.  Its been a shitty, sad day! yuck. Hopefully tomorrow is much better :)

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