Friday, December 31, 2010

Insomnia, my old friend

Well it's currently 1:58am and I'm sure I won't be sleeping for another hour or so....if not more.  Last night I was up until almost 5:30am so I didn't wake up until noon.  Then I took a nap this afternoon.  I hate being on this sleeping schedule.  I like sleeping in but not till noon everyday.  This always happens to me when I'm not working or in school.  I always end up not being able to bugs the hell out of me.

I went over to visit Kirk tonight after my nap.  He was so tired he fell asleep on me like 3 times.  I finally decided to leave around midnight because I felt really bad, like I was keeping him from resting.  He seemed upset when I left but I didn't know what else to do.  He's worked all week and I didn't want to get in the way of him getting some good sleep.  Tomorrow is New Years Eve and him and Lisa are coming to chill at my house :) so I need him to get sleep tonight so he doesnt fall asleep on me tomorrow night lol.

This is a short blog because I really don't have much else to say...just didn't want to let a day go by without writing something so here ya go, my life is so exciting! lmao

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Decent day today :)

I didn't do a whole lot today but overall it was a pretty good day.  I went to the bank this morning to get a cashiers check to pay my rent (DECEMBERS....eeek).  It was so nice to have that off my back.  Once I handed them the check however, all I could think about was how the hell I was going to pay January's rent! which is due in 2 days.  When I was in the office, I spoke to the apartment manager and let her know I had been laid off.  She seemed like she was somewhat understanding and I think they'll work with me.  Trouble is.....I have no income! hopefully I'll hear from unemployment soon. 

After the bank I just came home and chilled.  I picked up my apartment a little, took a nice hot shower and laid on the couch for a few hours.  It was nice to lay there and atleast know that my rent and electric were paid (both I've been struggling to pay for a while lol). I hate to say that I've gotten to this horrible financial state....but I have.  I'm staying positive though, I know something will work out and I'll be ok.  Today I finally sort of realized that.

Later on in the day I went over to Kirk's to have dinner with him and Pam.  That was nice because its always good to see Kirk and Pam! I watched TV with Kirk for a little bit and snuggled.  I have to say he is by far the BEST damn snuggler there is out there.  I could lay with him forever I swear.  I feel very safe when I'm with him and possibly the only time I feel relaxed.  I'm starting to really adore that man.  He drives me MORE than batty sometimes but he means the world to me and I know with every ounce of my being that he is one of the good ones and I'm not letting him go.  We mesh well together and he makes me smile so I'm going with it.

Incase you all missed it.....yes.....I'm dating my former brother in law, Brett's twin.  Honestly it just happened, there was no prethought or intention on either of our parts.  We have always been close because him and Brett were inseperable.  I can't explain it totally but it makes sense to me.  I know in my heart that Brett would be ok with it because he would want both of us to be happy.  The only opinions that truly matter to me are Bretts and my mother in law's.  Pam is completley ok with it, she honestly supports it which is really nice. It is what it is and it's my decision :)

One bad thing did happen when I got home though.  I fell outside while attempting to take the trash out.  I had 2 bags of trash and was trying to walk....(key word trying) and the next thing I knew I was all spralled out with garbage everywhere.  I scraped and twisted my bad knee but I feel ok right now so I don't think I did any more harm, hopefully.

To end this blog I'd like to say that I have falled in best friend love with Lisa Kuhn! that girl fricking cracks me up and is always there to make me smile.  I'm so gald I met her in school and honestly could not do any of this without her.  I'm not kissing ass just because I know she'll read this...I really adore that girl! xoxo

Stupid internet!

I feel like a crazy person staring at the damn lights on my internet has been working sporatically and its driving me batty.  I spent an hour on the phone with WOW today trying to fix it only for them to tell me that someone had to come out. So I was sitting there tonight watching TV and I saw that the "cable light" was on time!

Today was a productive day for me.  I opened up a new bank account, applied for unemployment and food stamps, and paid my electric bill.  Now that I'm not working and not in school until January 10th I have become "miss lazy pants".  Its so hard to get my ass off the fricking couch.  The piggles (my dogs) and I are all starting to meld together.  Today I knew I had some stuff I HAD to do so I got up and did it which made me feel good.  Some of my problem I'm sure is depression.  Sometimes I get into these moods where I just feel like I don't care about anything anymore.  Like I described it to my mom "the world could fall apart around me I don't care".  That has NEVER been me.  I always try to stay positive and look towards the future.  I'm not sure whats going on but I'm sure it has a hell of a lot to do with Brett.  I still think about him all the time and wonder what life would be like now if he was still alive.  Christmas day marked 9 months since he's died and in some ways it feels like YEARS.  My entire life is so different now.....I'm dating someone (one day I'll explain that whole situation) and I have strong feelings for him.  But on the other hand I am still greiving my husband and sometimes I even cry out "I just want my husband back".  It feels like he was the the only one sometimes that truly understood me.  We had one hell of a life together and I don't think I'll EVER stop missing him.  I have such a close relationship with his mother (better than the one I have with my own) which I am so grateful for.  She's really been my rock and I go to her for everything.

So the moral of the story today is that I DONT want to be depressed, I want to look forward and make positive changes.  I just have to keep pushing ahead and not look back.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas.......uh huh

I logged in today and was flabbergasted by how long it's been since I've written.  I starting thinking the other day that I would possibly start writing again and today (whats better than Christmas Day) is the day.

I won't go into great detail about where I've been for the past 5 months but in a nutshell, here it is.  I have been going to school and working.  Unfortunately I ended up having to retake this quarter (med/surg) due to the fact that I had to miss 2 clinical days.  I am happy now that I am getting a chance to retake the class and am thrilled that my best nursing buddies are with me :D. When I'm not in school, I'm working.  I've been trying to work as much as possible just to "attempt" to keep my  head somewhat above water.  I never realized how hard it is to make it on your own.....this is the FIRST time in my life I've been completely on my own so it's been quite an adjustment for me.  I've been struggling financially that's for sure and am currently just concerned with keeping a roof over my head.  Two days ago my boss informed me that they had no more work for me and I was being laid off......not good timing.

This was by far the strangest and most upsetting Christmas time I've ever had.  I have loved Christmas so much since as long as I can remember.  I always performed throughout school in show choir so Christmas was a big time of year for me.  Brett and I always made our holidays special and this year was definitely tough not having him here with me.  For the first time ever I made the decision to "ignore" Christmas.  I didn't decorate, I didn't shop, I listen to Christmas music....nothing.  I just couldn't handle it what so I chose not to deal with it at all.  Probably not my finest moment...but a defense mechanism none the less. Kirk (we'll get into him later) came over last night which was nice since he hasn't been over in months.  That was something that really made me smile.....he actually came over :).  Today I went over to his house to have dinner with Pam and him.  It ended up being really nice....I didn't stay long but they both got me gifts (pleasantly unexpected) and we had a great meal.  I'm glad I "broke down my wall" (as Lisa would have put it) and went over there.

I'm too exhausted to write much more.  I really wanted to put together a Christmas through the ages photo show in this blog but I couldn't find the CD with all my pictures on it.  I suppose I'll save that for another time. I miss Brett from the bottom of my heart today and everyday. 

Merry Christmas