Friday, December 31, 2010

Insomnia, my old friend

Well it's currently 1:58am and I'm sure I won't be sleeping for another hour or so....if not more.  Last night I was up until almost 5:30am so I didn't wake up until noon.  Then I took a nap this afternoon.  I hate being on this sleeping schedule.  I like sleeping in but not till noon everyday.  This always happens to me when I'm not working or in school.  I always end up not being able to bugs the hell out of me.

I went over to visit Kirk tonight after my nap.  He was so tired he fell asleep on me like 3 times.  I finally decided to leave around midnight because I felt really bad, like I was keeping him from resting.  He seemed upset when I left but I didn't know what else to do.  He's worked all week and I didn't want to get in the way of him getting some good sleep.  Tomorrow is New Years Eve and him and Lisa are coming to chill at my house :) so I need him to get sleep tonight so he doesnt fall asleep on me tomorrow night lol.

This is a short blog because I really don't have much else to say...just didn't want to let a day go by without writing something so here ya go, my life is so exciting! lmao

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