Sunday, April 4, 2010


I went visitng my in-law's today.  First I stopped by my sister in law's house to see my nieces, it was so nice to give them great big hugs.  Joanne had gotten them both shirts supporting Hodgkin's Lymphoma awareness and research.  Cailin's says "my uncle is a hero".  I hope Brett knows how much they loved him.  There has been some family drama as some of you know in the past 5 months so there was some stress between the girls and us, but in the end they always loved him so much and he adored them.  After Joanne's house I went over to Brett's mom's house.  She made dinner for Kirk and I.  She has been such a blessing to me since Brett passed.  She lost her husband at the age of 31 as well and her wisdom and adivice is amazing right now. 

Of course, as with everyday, I kept thinking "what would we be doing if Brett was alive".  I can't seem to get that thought of my fricking head.  I am starting Nursing school tomorrow so I know if he was alive, we would be prepping for that.  I swear sometimes he was more excited than I was. 

I did a lot of random, uncontrolable crying today.  I hope that doesn't happen tomorrow while I'm sitting in class.

I hope everyone had a great Easter with their familes and friends today!

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