Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What a WEEK!

Lets see, where should I begin?? I already wrote about my first day of school which was pretty good, the highlight of my week so far.  Tuesday was my 2nd day of classes and I woke up 45 minutes late.  I opened my eyes and knew something was wrong, I was afraid to look at the clock.  When I looked at the clock it was 8:45 and I was supposed to be in class at 8am.  My instructor called about 5 minutes after I woke up to see where I was.  I rushed in there, made it by 9:30.  Luckily for me, they were super understanding.  I was able to complete all of my tasks in lab.  I felt like a total failure though for screwing up like that.  So today I had class at 9am, I set literally about 12 alarms.  I woke up "in time" but barely.  I had my alarm set for 7 and woke up at 8:15.  I made it there on time.  I guess this is where its helpful to have uniforms because I already know what to wear and the rest is easy.  I need to get it together though because I will get kicked out of the program if I am late again.  Today I made it just in time with about 5 minutes to spare.

Then I get home from class today and had a voice mail from  my Uncle Paul that my Uncle Scott (my dad's younger brother) passed away this morning from complications due to cancer.  I saw him at Christmas time and he was doing quite well.  My mom and I were talking and its truly amazing to us how much can change in 4 months.  Brett and Uncle Scott looked and felt good at Christmas, now they are both gone.  I officially HATE CANCER! not that it wasn't official before but its more concrete now.  I want to eventually work in oncology.........but I may rethink that. 

What a messed up, sad week!

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