Sunday, April 18, 2010

studying with out my boo

I spent today working on homework and studying for the 2 tests and a quiz I have coming up this week.  I got all of my "projects" done, now its just the actual studying.  I'm really not the greatest studier persay.  I'm a writing-dependent learner which means I have to write things down in order to process and remember them.  I have a hard time just looking at a chapter and remembering whats on the pages.  Most of the time I study by using study guider or making my own notes.  I used to always use notecards but there's too much info now to make them....I don't have the time.  I can remember on MANY occassions Brett going over my note cards with me.  He was SO good at it, he'd give me hints and talk me through them.  It always cracked me up though because he could not pronounce med terms very well lol.  He'd trying to say something like "Genitourinary" and say it wrong like 5 times, then say "whatever...THAT word" (because the whole time I'd be repeating correctly to him lol).  I have very fond memories of him helping me through school leading up to this point.  Whenever I had an exam, he would text me right before saying "you can do it, I believe in you, good GOT this".  Those mesages meant so much to me! I got to the point where I couldnt take a test without hearing his voice or getting that text beforehand.  He has always been MY inspiration because he was such a dedicated, intelligent........amoung numerous other things.....perfect in my eyes.  My boo.

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