Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just an update....

I really don't have much to "update" on persay, just the usual living and trying to get by without my love by my side.  Nursing school is going ok, its SOOOO much work though and sometimes it's really hard for me to focus.  We've now taken 2 exams and a couple quizes, and are waiting for grades.  We need to have an 84% to keep going and if by week 5 (mid point) we are not at that point, they will counsil us on whether we are able to continue in the program or not.  Its so stressful, especially not knowing any grades yet.  I'm really hoping I can make it through this first term but I will not lie.....I'm scared to death about it. 

I have 10 days to pack up my apartment and move on May 1st.  As I sit here right this moment, the only thing I've done is cleaned out Brett's closet.  I just dont have the energy with school.  It's going to end up being a "throw it in the truck and lets go" sort of move this time.  Normally I'm all organized but NOT this time.  I did get an apartment number yesterday (I'm only moving 2 streets down) so thats good. 


I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stressed out and overwhelmed!

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